Sunday 10 January 2016

Hrithik Roshan tweeted: Thank u all for making my day so special! My first birthday happy selfie is for all of you who have warmed my heart

Hrithik Roshan  @iHrithik
Thank u all for making my day so special! My first birthday happy selfie is for all of you who have warmed my heart
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Rauf Klasra @KlasraRauf
My column: A sorry tale of mega fraud @ Pakistan Foreign Office. When "babus" decided to gang up&plunder like Mafia.…
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Kiran Bedi  @thekiranbedi
These r Heroes of r times-passionate,visionary,missionary young men.All out to serve the nation: #Isupportunacademy…
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Akshay Kumar  @akshaykumar
When the wife tries to promote your next film among other on for a good laugh. #Airlift…
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Dr. Arif Alvi  @ArifAlvi
At least 350MGD of raw sewage is dumped into the sea in Karachi according to Marine Pollution Control Department…
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