Wednesday, 20 July 2011

vu experts - CS401_spring2011_20-July-2011_latest paper

Assalamoalaikum to All,

My paper CS401_Computer Architecture and Assembly Language.

MCQS, were 40
5 Mcqs are from 9-pin DB9 connector.
4 MCQs are from IRQ services. must learn IRQ, INT services, 9-Pin DB9 connector.
most of the mcqs are from past papers.

1. Define Faulty Instructions [3maks]

2. Define Protected mode [3 marks]

3. Answer the following [3marks]
3a. what are the ranges of addressable memory in protected mode.
3.b one more question was asked in this question i've forgetted. well marks are divided half half.

4. INT21 service 31, INT21 services are asked. [3 marks] (pata nahi kia question tha lekin tha isi topic say)

5. Define Device drivers. Why device drivers are used when BIOS already have all available codes. write its need[5marks]

6. Write Bubble sort algorithm in your own words. [5 marks]

7. Fill in the blanks with proper words[solved]  [5 marks]

AH = -09h --

AL = -- attribute --

BH = - page number ---

BL = - character to display --- 

CX =--- number of times to write character -- 

(09h, page number, number of times to write character, attribute ,character to


8. How can we increase speed of multitasking process? [2marks]

9. How threads are registered in scheduler, write process. [2 marks]. (this question is not exactly the way it asked, but it asked like that)

10. something asked about Data Movement in processor???????? [5 marks]

Bus. itna hi remember hai, baqi forget kargya.

May Allah bless You. Ameen.

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