Tuesday, 26 July 2011

vu experts - PRAS

a.a.  i have some questions for project PRAS m having some problems in making design phase.
1. should we make different DFDs for different sections or one main DFD for whole system?
2. SHold our system have same database for all section or should they be different and we connect them?
3. what language should we follow as i only have some idea about c++ and no other language?
4. sir we can identify each brush using serial number. when should we assign them serial numbers/label?
5. should we give serial number to each handle,cap and stand as wel?
6. What are the raw material required to make brushes. how will we make formulation sheet?
7. what is the data to be included in production plan?
8. should the updation of data at each should be automatic or is it the responsibility of the operator?
9. How m i going to classify the brushes?

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